Zip Code Lookup for 78504 in Mcallen Texas has verified and accurate Mcallen email lists
What are the latitude and longitude coordinates of 78504? 26.27758 latitude and -98.23728 longitude.
Mcallen Zip Codes
Mcallen Zip Codes
Learn about Mcallen email lists and get the full picture on zip code 78504 in Mcallen, TX. This all-in-one breakdown tailored for residents, businesses, and anyone looking to tap into the local market. Need to know the area’s latitude and longitude? Check. Are you curious about demographics, from population size to age, household income, and education levels?
Ready to check out Mcallen email lists from our EmailZipCode consumer database? We’ve got it all right here. Learn what drives the Mcallen area, from economic trends and housing data to employment rates and educational achievements. Plus, we cover the essentials—weather, local USPS details, and more—to help you understand what makes Mcallen unique. If you’re scouting a new market, planning a campaign, or just getting to know Mcallen, this page has the data to drive your decisions. Get started, dig into the insights, and connect with potential customers in Mcallen!
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Demographic Information
What city is 78504 in? 78504 is in the city of Mcallen TX.
What is the population of 78504? 78504 has a population of approximately 60999 people. This area has a density of around 1202 people per mile.
What county am I in by 78504? 78504 is in Hidalgo county Texas
What time zone is zip code 78504 in? 78504 is in the America/Chicago time zone.
The average age is 31.1 years old. 70.3% of the people in 78504 are over the age of 18, 49.8% are male, 50.2% are female, 50.9% are married, 9.8% are divorced, 35.7% were never married, and 3.6% are widowed.
Economic and Housing Information
How much are homes in 78504? The average home value is around $178026
What are the average incomes in 78504? The average household income is $71648 and the individual average income is about $32796.
What is the percentage of home ownership in 78504? Approximately 68% own homes in Mcallen.
There are 19158 housing units in Mcallen. The average family size is around 3.58 people. About 54.7% of families have dual income and 37.5% of households bring home more than a 6 figure income. People pay about 27.2% of their income towards housing alone.
Sample Image of Demographic and Socio-Economic Heat Map

Labor Force and Educational Information
There are about 64.9% of people actively participating in the labor force. About 18.3% are self employed and 6.6% are unemployed. The average commuting time for Mcallen residents to commute to work is around 24.1 minutes of daily travel time.
In Mcallen Texas about 24% have earned a bachelors degree, 14.4% have graduate degrees and 45.5% have a STEM degree. Approximately 19.3% have received their high school diploma, and about 13.9% didn’t complete high school.
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Socio Economic Data for Mcallen Texas
The socio economic data in Mcallen also shows us that 54.3% of people are White, 1.1% are Black, 4.8% are Asian, 0.4% are Native American, 4.8% are Asian, 0% are of Pacific decent, and 83.7% are Hispanic.
Around 10.6% are disabled, 12.5% live in poverty, 9.5% have limited ability to speak English. 22.9% have no health insurance, 4.2% are Veterans. 1% are farmers and there are also around 20.7% that are charitable givers.
USPS Zip Code Lookup
US Post Office Address: 5011 N 10TH ST MCALLEN TX, 78504
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